Pennant Stone - a soft sandstone quarried E of Bristol. It was particularly exploited in the C19 and is responsible for much of the character of the city's buildings. The basementGlossary Term plinthGlossary Term of the warehouse had vermiculated rusticationGlossary Term which has weathered to a softly dimpled texture. Another characteristic of Pennant stone is its sedimentary layering, seen in the panels between the windows of the S side. They have a quality like rippling water.
Pennant stone occurs in a range of colours, mostly grey cast with blue or green, but sometimes of a strong plum-red or ochre yellow colour. Bush House is constructed of a careful mix of rock-facedGlossary Term blocks in grey-green, interspersed with plum and orange Pennant. From a distance this appears a soft brown grey, but closeGlossary Term up the variation prevents the high walls from appearing oppressive. The dressingsGlossary Term around the windows and atticGlossary Term corniceGlossary Term are of a cream limestone (probably Bath Stone), giving contrast and definition. Pope's handling of his materials is confident and subtle.
Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009